Puck’s Delight


I share with you my culinary journey in this reincarnated site.  I was on a hapless mission as a young adult (who hasn’t?) and now have a wondrous road--no end perhaps.

I am very fortunate to spend my days with two of my favorite past times:  having fun and being in the kitchen.  My only gripe is a bigger kitchen!  (Yes, I have “outgrown” my big kitchen.)

Nonetheless, I am an aspiring cook and hope to one day cook for the masses.  Until then, I virtually welcome you to my kitchen and share in my journey.


Here you will find the various delights that happen to stumble upon this hungry kitchen.

Where there is an appetite, you will always find your delight.

May I inspire you to start your own delightful journey in food.

A Day in the Life of...Me.